Joint conference of the Anthropology of Crime and Criminalisation (AnthroCrime) and the Anthropology of Security (ASN) EASA networks.
When: 17-19 May 2022
Where: University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures (DISCI)
How: Conference Programme and Registration
As a result of current social, political andeconomic trends, anthropologists areincreasingly interested in security, crime,and criminalisation. The first jointlyorganised conference between theAnthropology of Crime and Criminalisation(AnthroCrime) and the Anthropology ofSecurity (ASN) EASA networks aims toexplore crime and security, developing novelmethodological and theoretical approachesto their analysis.
In addition to several panels related to theanthropology of crime and security, theconference will hold two laboratories and abook presentation session. The laboratorieswill be dedicated to the challenges of doingethnography in the field of security andcrime and to facilitate future publicationsbased on conference papers.
Join us for our first jointly organised conference now and don’t miss our two keynote lectures by Mark Maguire and Setha M. Low as well as Dennis Rodgers respectively. For a comprehensive overview please download our program to learn more about the eleven packed panels and further activities, like a methodology and a writing & publishsing lab.